Black Friday is always a good old laugh isn't it?
We hosted our 'pre-black friday event, wednesday just gone and the video above is most definietly an accurate depiction of the scenes in our warehouse (the staff of course) - tears were shed, blood was drawn (Keith, our warehouse manager has a savage temper) and sales were made. We hope you all had the chance to get involved with some of the crazy deals we hosted.
Today we launch our new daily deals, with a different deal on the go every day. Monday is our incredibly named "mtl monday". We've hand picked a selection of MTL juices and hardware which is discounted for today only. Get involved and make some tasty-ass margins on MTL hardware or juice. Click here to check out the deals!
We need to talk about that should not be named for a second, and we're sorry for doing so..
Remember that issue which rocked this industry to it's core and threatened to implode it from the inside out? It's rearing its ugly head in the UK at the moment, which we worry will only further damage the industry further. We're hearing that one of the brands behind the scary illness that was striking down our friends from overseas is now in the UK, and we've seen it with our own eyes.
Whilst everyone is different, and people will put things in their bodies that they're unaware of the damage it will cause, we can't stop that but we need to become better educated as to what it is, and what it will do. We had a customer in one of our retail shops over the weekend with one of these said devices (it rhymes with Bank Tee Bea Sea), and this is concerning.
Obviously this goes without saying, but if a customer comes into one of your stores and has one of these tanks, and is looking for a device to power it, please for everything that is holy, turn them away. The last thing your shop needs is The Daily Mail and The Sun turning up at your door claiming you sold the device that put a human being in hospital.
Shall we end on a funny note? What about a Dad joke. They're always good.
A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says: 'sorry we don't serve food here'
We're sorry.