So this entry starts with a slightly sad note. We recently parted ways with our Creative Strategist/Online Retail Manager Daniel Bartram, and his partner Elisa, our Social Media Executive. We wish them both the best in the future.
Onto business matters, our 6 new Got Salts flavours are now out, and it's a genuinely humbling experience hearing how much you all love them! Hopefully they bring you all the very best of success in 2020!
We're working hard behind the scenes to bring you even more liquid this year, with the recently announced KSTRD salts (oh my goodness these are next level) and the budget-premium No Frills 10mls. These will both come in a matte-boxed presentation at a very attractive price point. Watch this space!
This update may be brief, and for that we apologise however watch this space for exciting updates from The Ace of Vapez!