Paul Young once famously said "It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid." - We beg to differ Paul. Christmas time is terrifying. The overbearing anxiety of making sure everyone you're buying presents for not only has a gift, but one they won't fake a smile at and silently resent you for another year. Let's not even take into account the amount of worry that comes with the actual day itself. "What festive clothing do I own that I fit in this year?", "am I going to throw a chair at my sister?", "Is grandad going to get drunk and throw the turkey out the window?" These are all ingredients that make up the horrendous cacophony that is, Christmas Day.
Honestly, it's something I can just do without. Bring on new years so we can all get drunk and brawl in the street.
Well now we've got that out the way (I feel so much better), let's announce some Christmas opening hours. We're open all days this year, with the exception of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. Standard office hours apply, and we'll be sending last orders on Christmas Eve (to be delivered the day after Boxing Day) - if you do need stock between Christmas and New Year, get in before the 24th as we cannot guarantee DPD will be as reliable as they usually are.
Onto something a little more light hearted, this weekend is our Annual TAOV Christmas bash, and our in house graphic designer has taken the reigns when it comes to organising the ordeal, and what a job he's done. We're going on 'the twelve pubs of Christmas' - which is essentially, a pub crawl around Birmingham, starting at the Digbeth Dining Club (got to line the stomach eh?) - I'm not attending, because social events make my skin crawl, and I'd rather eat the contents of my cat's litter tray than mingle with my co-workers out of office hours. That being said, I hope they all have fun and nobody decides to paint the streets of Birmingham with their lunch during the evening.
On next week's agenda, we've got the fun old time of "who punched who?", "Where did he go for the rest of the evening?" and my favourite; "Was he wearing protection?"