FIFTY FIFTY Minty Mint 50ml
Mixed mint menthol really hits the nail on the head and will remind many of a multitude of types of mint you can get but all rolled into one. It’s a proper menthol candy with a nice hit and a strong flavour, perfect if you suffer with vapers tongue or just want something to refresh the palate. For many though this is a perfect all day vape and a go to flavour for those trying to kick that habit. Fill your pod with Fifty Fifty Minty Mint and I think you will be surprised how good quite a simple flavour actually can be. The option is there to add an ice shot but that’s down to personal taste and not really required.
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We offer Next Day Delivery as a standard service, to ensure your order is with you as fast as possible. We also offer an upgraded Saturday delivery, meaning if you order on a Friday, we can esure your order is with you for the busy weekend. If you live outside of the UK, we also have International Shipping options available for customers who want to experience The Ace of Vapez' brands in our international friend's countries.